Why work with me
Vashti D'Vyne is a university qualified complimentary health practitioner who has been trained in medical science to identify some of the underlying causes of disease, based on a thorough and in depth case history taking. She draws on her exceptional communication skills to allow you the time to feel listened to and heard.
An initial consultation is generally longer than what you would experience with your specialist or GP. During our first consultation (60 min), I will ask you lots of questions, not just about current symptoms but also what health symptoms may have come up for you in the past as a child or as an adult. I am interested in understanding your current stresses and mental and emotional state.

A naturopath is not trained to name, diagnose or treat disease but rather to identify areas of weakness in the body that could benefit from support.
This support may come in the form of :
- dietary and lifestyle coaching (such as avoiding certain foods that may cause more inflammation or helping you to set a regular alarm on your phone so you get to bed at the same time each night if you are struggling to get a good nights sleep)
- herbal or nutritional medicines which may help certain organs to function optimally with minimal side effects or drug interactions.
- mindfulness techniques and breath work
- body work such as remedial massage or referral to physio, osteo, chiro, acupuncture etc
But can you help me with XYZ condition ?
The answer is YES !
Naturopathic approaches can be tailored to improve the health of any organ, any cell.

The body needs all of its organs working optimally and maintaining a unique rhythm to be symptom free.
Symptoms may appear if one organ (such as the stomach) isn't working as well as it should. It will set off a chain reaction that causes disharmony and dysfunction within the network of body systems it interacts with (intestines, bowel, liver etc)
This eventually gives rise to uncomfortable body symptoms. A boat with one oar is still an boat, but a boat with two oars will function so much better, keep itself steady and get its passenger headed in the right direction without going in circles.
"As a naturopath and health mentor I can help you to reclaim your health by taking the mystery out of your illness. Let's decode the communication your body is giving you so you can help it work better."
We all have a body, but not all of us understand its strange ways.
So when it dysfunctions or "plays up" and shows signs and symptoms of dis-ease, this can be the body's way of communicating to us that something is wrong.
If we don't address the underlying cause and only cover up the symptoms with relieving medications, it is typical that disease processes will continue and get worse over time to the point that we require more and more medication or need to have further investigations (blood tests, examinations or surgeries) to work out what is going wrong.